Discover Your
Human Design

We’re not all designed to interact with the world in the same way. If you are self-curious and seek to understand yourself on an even deeper level, knowing your human design might be for you. Human Design is one of the BEST tools I've personally come across for identifying our shadows and illuminating our potential —your chart is like a magical portal into healing and transformation. In order to start your journey with Human Design, you need to know your correct design type. Enter the following details below and download your human design chart free.


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"One thing about Jazreena is that she is THOROUGH. She provides so many resources even after your session with her, I learned so much...

— April Rodriguez

...I will definitely be rebooking soon to dive deeper. Thank you so much for validating this Manifestor with an emotional authority!"

Think of yourself as the Sun.

What is Human design?

Just as the Sun radiates light and energy in every direction, every individual emits a unique vibrancy and essence. That's the "Radiant" part. It's the unmistakable glow you have when you're aligned with your true self, shining at your brightest, casting away shadows of doubt and uncertainty.

Now, add the motion of the planets, their orbits, their patterns – a celestial dance if you will. Every so often, the alignment changes, leading to a "Revolution". Just as planets have their orbits and patterns, humans have designs – unique blueprints of their existence. These aren't just physical, but emotional, intellectual, and spiritual orbits that define who we are. 

Human Design is your cosmic map. It’s that constellation of traits, tendencies, strengths, and challenges that make you, well, YOU. Dive deep into it, and you don't just find your starry imprint; you kickstart your very own revolution. So, what's a Radiant Revolution?

It's an awakening. A cosmic dance of discovering the luminous patterns that define you. It’s about twirling into the galaxy of your existence, shining bright, and setting a new orbit for a life more aligned, vibrant, and utterly YOU! Let the stars guide you, but remember. You are the Sun.

get your chart



“As a 3/5 profile I’m meant to try things and share what I’ve learnt from these trials. What I have learnt from my reading with Jazreena is a deep compassion for myself from seeing my chart through her eyes.

It is a blessing to experience a reading by Jazreena. The attention to detail is phenomenal and the care with which the information is delivered is beautiful. Thank you!”


3/5, Generator


“Never imagined I would gain so much knowledge, clarity and understanding...Her entire modality from start to finish is open, caring, never judgmental. There were so many ah-ah moments to count!

I'm so grateful to Jaz for providing such a soul-affirming, perspective-shifting, inspiring and empowering experience. If you were looking for a sign or a recommendation to book a session with Jaz - here it is! Go for it! 10/10! Top tier!”

— adeola o.

6/2, Manifesting Generator


“Delving  further into my potential feels extremely validating. Of course I'm excited to see where life leads! If like me, you know nothing about human design - you won't be disappointed!

My mind was blown by a truly fantastic experience. The wealth of information you receive is enough that you will keep returning to your personalised presentation again and again! If you're on the fence - do it! You won't regret it.”

— Kezia Okafor

5/1 Projector


“My session was life-changing and life-affirming. To see yourself reflected back to you in the most fullest, unapologetic, enriching way was like nothing I have ever experienced before.

...Since my reading with Jaz, I've been able to reconnect and reawaken parts of myself. A lightness and confidence have returned as I continue to embody my full self. It's been such a blessing that is flowing into all parts of my life."

— nina elgeba

3/5, Manifestor


“When you make decisions on what you’re going to say yes to, it has to be worth it!”




Activate your inner genius by cultivating what makes you truly unique. Trust who you are. Know that you’re capable of doing remarkable things. When you follow your genius other doors open up...

Human Design | Coaching | Sound Healing | Creative Branding

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